English 怀念旧版
Quantum matter and quantum technology in one dimension
来源: 日期2021-05-06 16:12 点击:

报告题目:Quantum matter and quantum technology in one dimension



报告地点:仲英楼 B243


It has long been appreciated that exactly solved mathematical models describing the statistical mechanics of interacting particles have played a key role in the developments of formerly unrelated areas of mathematics and theoretical physics, such as the study of quantum groups, combinatorics, conformal field theory, nuclear physics and condensed matter physics. However,over the past two decades striking experimental achievements in trapping and cooling atoms in one-dimensional (1D) optical waveguides have provided re-markable realisations of exactly solved models in the lab. In this talk, I will describe some of these fundamental mathematical models and their relevance to recent and future experiments on novel quantum liquid, critical matter and quantum technology.


管习文,1998年吉林大学博士毕业后到2002年期间在德国和巴西从事博士后研究。2003-2012期间在澳大利亚国立大学物理与工程研究院任研究员、高级研究员,2012年10月以优秀海外人才被引进中科院武汉物理与数学研究所。美国哈佛大学、洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室等世界一流研究机构的高级访问学者,清华大学高等研究院客座教授,香港中文大学杨振宁访问学人,澳大利亚国立大学的荣誉教授,《Journal of Physics A》及《Frontiers in Physics》的编委。

管习文长期从事冷原子少体和量子多体物理系统和自旋系统的严格解研究,取得了一系列在国际上颇具影响力的研究成果。至今发表120余篇SCI论文,包括世界顶尖期刊《Review of Modern Physics》、《Advance in Physics》、《Nature》子刊、《Physical Review Letters》等。

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地址:西安市咸宁西路28号交通大学 邮编710049